120x183 крестов
29 цветов
This chart was generated by «myriaCross v1.07.05»
Original: PCStitch® pattern v7.00.13
Stitched on 16 count Sage Aida or 32 count natural Linen (over 2), design area is 8" x 12".
Stitch count is 120 x 183, fabric from Wichelt or Zweigart, 11" x 14" oval frame is from Midwest Wood.
Stitching instructions
On split stitches always stitch whatever is in front as a 3/4 stitch and whatever is behind as a 1/4 stitch. Use one long stitch for the fringe. Dove's beak in 435.
3371 : eyes, stems
3064 : nose
white : dove
gold : others]