
Скачать embroidery pattern, where available "ночь кофе влюбленная пара"

All schemes for cross stitch and beading, only on

Our team of needlework lovers is constantly working on filling the portal with new, beautiful embroidery patterns. Only on our site you can download absolutely any scheme that has ever been available for download.
All diagrams in .xsd, .pdf, .jpg format, which can be downloaded from our website, are taken from open sources. Therefore, on the site you can download cross-stitch and bead embroidery patterns for free and without registration.
They are suitable for embroidering pictures, pillows, wedding towels and embroidered shirts.
Also, you can download embroidery patterns in other techniques from us: satin stitch, beads, blackwork, hardanger.
For people experienced in embroidery, we can additionally offer lessons, articles on embroidery, video tutorials, a forum for embroiderers, programs for cross-stitch and beadwork.

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Download embroidery patterns by cross-stitch  - Пара на качелях, author
120x180 крестов
18 цветов
Риолис. № 381. Двое на качелях. Канва № 4. Вышивать рекомендовано в 3 шерстяные нитки. В оригинальной схеме предложен ключ в MF/DMC: 2233/5200 2041/819 2227/951 2172/762 2099/3755 2096/517 2128/320 2150/319 2155/731 2146/936 2204/420 2190/839 2039/666 2038/3706 2018/304 2071/211 2068/209 2074/327 Успехов в творчестве! Helga-Cat
Download embroidery patterns by cross-stitch  - Кофе в париже, author
84x114 крестов
25 цветов
Внимание! Окантовка выполняется швом вприкреп в 2 нити. Закрепление стежка примерно на одинаковые расстояния производится одной нитью этого же цвета. По желанию ее можно выполнить в технике шва назад иголкой.

It is worth paying attention

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