
Скачать embroidery pattern, where available "собачки"

All schemes for cross stitch and beading, only on

Our team of needlework lovers is constantly working on filling the portal with new, beautiful embroidery patterns. Only on our site you can download absolutely any scheme that has ever been available for download. Embroidery pattern, where available собачки.
All diagrams in .xsd, .pdf, .jpg format, which can be downloaded from our website, are taken from open sources. Therefore, on the site you can download cross-stitch and bead embroidery patterns for free and without registration.
They are suitable for embroidering pictures, pillows, wedding towels and embroidered shirts.
Also, you can download embroidery patterns in other techniques from us: satin stitch, beads, blackwork, hardanger.
For people experienced in embroidery, we can additionally offer lessons, articles on embroidery, video tutorials, a forum for embroiderers, programs for cross-stitch and beadwork.

Download embroidery patterns by cross-stitch  - Rest, author
Производитель: Tatty Teddy
63x56 крестов
10 цветов
Download embroidery patterns by cross-stitch  - Vera de muis abc, author
Производитель: Lanarte
305x391 крестов
31 цветов
Lees eerst de gehele beschrijving goed door, dit voorkomt vergissingen !!!!! Werkwijze Doe het garen op het garenkaartje en zet hier het kleurenteken bij. Neem twee gaatjes per kleur; ййn voor de volle draden en ййn voor de gesplitste draden. Slinger de stof om ter voorkoming van uitrafelen. Borduur vanuit het midden, zie pijlen op de tekening. De kruissteekjes wordt met 1/6 of 2/6 draad moulinй over 2 draadjes van de stof. De stiksteekjes Worden gemaakt met 1/6 of 2/6 draad moulinй over 2 draadjes van de stof. Franse knoopjes worden gemaakt met 1/6 draad moulinй. Afwerking Wilt u uw werk wassen, doe dit dan in een WOLwasmiddel. Het werk onder een vochtige doek luchtig aan de achterkant persen.
Download embroidery patterns by cross-stitch  - Love is patient, author
Производитель: Linda K. Powell
90x124 крестов
21 цветов
Набрано Dos-au-mur. Соответствие палитр DMC и Anchor. DMC -> Anchor: 351 -> 11; 553 -> 107; 349 -> 46; 739 -> 366; 743 -> 297; 738 -> 942; 369 -> 213; 437 -> 362; 989 -> 242; 435 -> 365; 987 -> 244; 434 -> 310; 809 -> 130; 610 -> 889; 798 -> 131; 938 -> 381; 3609 -> 85; 310 -> 403; 554 -> 104; white -> 2;
Download embroidery patterns by cross-stitch  - Chew toy, author
Производитель: Jim Killen
187x131 крестов
39 цветов
Counted Cross Stitch - Large Fabric: 14 count ivory Aida Finished Size: 14" x 11" (36 x 28 cm) Back Stitch - 2 Rows: Use the first color listed in the key to stitch the lines shown on the chart. Use the second color to stitch another row beside the first row. Always keep the second row to same side of the the first row. In this design back stitch 2 strand og gray. Then backstitch 1 strand black closer to the center of dog's eyes. Code# Lenght (36"/91cm) Code# Lenght (36"/91cm) ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- 17110 2 18403 11 17005 1 13336 5 6402 1 17227 2 12386 3 14221 2 16007 2 15372 6 15350 7 15351 2 6096 6 12308 2 15936 6 15356 4 15360 6 15376 5 15576 3 15381 5 15379 3 13337 3 12338 2 18511 1 18513 1 18512 4 18519 5 Бэк в 2 линии: Сначала выполните бэк в 2 нити серого цвета по линии, нарисованной на схеме. Затем выполните бэк одной нитью черного цвета по той же линии, чтобы черная нить находилась ближе к центру глаза. Все цвета переведены по таблице на сайте
Download embroidery patterns by cross-stitch  - Trio of dogs, author
Производитель: Barbara Mock
77x75 крестов
10 цветов
Ira_mih 24.10.07

It is worth paying attention

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