
Скачать embroidery pattern, where available "makin new friends "

All schemes for cross stitch and beading, only on

Our team of needlework lovers is constantly working on filling the portal with new, beautiful embroidery patterns. Only on our site you can download absolutely any scheme that has ever been available for download.
All diagrams in .xsd, .pdf, .jpg format, which can be downloaded from our website, are taken from open sources. Therefore, on the site you can download cross-stitch and bead embroidery patterns for free and without registration.
They are suitable for embroidering pictures, pillows, wedding towels and embroidered shirts.
Also, you can download embroidery patterns in other techniques from us: satin stitch, beads, blackwork, hardanger.
For people experienced in embroidery, we can additionally offer lessons, articles on embroidery, video tutorials, a forum for embroiderers, programs for cross-stitch and beadwork.

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Скачать схему вышивки "Santa Friends" Скачать схему вышивки "Best Friends"
Download embroidery patterns by cross-stitch  - Friends gather banner, author
Производитель: Carolyn Shores Wright
64x128 крестов
23 цветов
Проверено Dos-au-mur. Количество ниток, рекомендуемое производителем Dimensions (кусочки по 36" или 91 см.) - в скобках соответствующий номер палитры DMC 13067(3713) -> 1; 6031( 353) -> 1; 13071(3328) -> 3; 13019( 304) -> 7; 13072( 816) -> 2; 12386(3823) -> 1; 12295( 726) -> 2; 16018( 367) -> 4; 17049(3752) -> 1; 17050( 932) -> 1; 17005( 341) -> 2; 17110( 340) -> 1; 15372( 739) -> 1; 15350(3827) -> 3; 15376(3864) -> 1; 15379(3863) -> 1; 18510( 762) -> 1; 18511( 318) -> 2; 18512( 317) -> 1; 18514( 413) -> 2; 18403( 310) -> 3; 11001( 1) -> 2; В набор входит канва в виде ленты, нитки, металлический фигурный держатель. Инструкция по изготовлению баннера см. в разделе Layout (распечатывается отдельно).
Download embroidery patterns by cross-stitch  - Furry fairy friends, author
Производитель: Joy Scherger for Handmade Treasures
207x178 крестов
46 цветов
Important Notes: * To give the fairy wings a subtle sparkle, blend floss (one strand) and one strand of blending filament (032BF). Back stitches: Please note that all back stitching is one strand unless otherwise stated. Nasturtiums: Nasturtiums foliage in the foreground - 3362 Detail on fern fronds under and around nasturtium foliage - 3011 Veins on nasturtium leaf - 834 one strand Folds in the petals - 839 Nasturtium flowers - 801 Fairy: Skin - 3859 Dress - 3041 Eye and hair - 801 Outline of wing and wing accents - blend - one strand-415 / one strand-032BF French knot flowers around her shoulders using two strands - White Fern stems (left of fairy) - 801 Cat: Eyes and nose - 310 Whiskers above eyes and cheeks; long hair on the cat's chest and hairs near and in ear - White Additional hair in the ear - 318 Remainder of the cat - 317 Muzzle accents - two (2) strands - 317 French knots
Download embroidery patterns by cross-stitch  - Frisky friends tree skirt, author
Производитель: Todd Trainer
358x143 крестов
33 цветов
Набрано Dos-au-mur. Пояснения к схеме: 1. Все стежки Straight Stitch вышиваются либо стежками COUCHING (выкладная нить), либо стежками CОRDING (крученая выкладная нить). Инструкцию по оформлению стежков CORDING можно посмотреть в архиве. 2. Инструкцию по оформлению юбки для дерева смотри в архиве. Количество используемых ниток рекомендуемое производителем (кусочки по 36 " или 91 см.): 18403 -> 16; 12298 -> 8; 11001 -> 29; 13011 -> 4; 13012 -> 12; 13072 -> 6; 13019 -> 10; 6402 -> 3; 13336 -> 4; 15351 -> 5; 16210 -> 5; 16879 -> 4; 16225 -> 2; 16213 -> 5; 16880 -> 7; 16211 -> 9; 6016 -> 3; 17182 -> 4; 17022 -> 4; 14301 -> 2; 15350 -> 8; 14302 -> 2; 15309 -> 8; 6096 -> 9; 14300 -> 2; 15470 -> 6; 6081 -> 10; 15372 -> 6; 18513 -> 6; 15388 -> 3; 18514 -> 10; 18510 -> 6;

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