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Скачать схемы вышивки нитками / крестом  - Little stitch devil with bobbin, автор
Производитель: Ellen Maurer-Stroh
71x63 крестов
22 цветов
Este grбfico foi gerado por «myriaCross v1.07.24» Original: PCStitch® grбfico v7.02.01 Cross Stitch: Use 3 strands of thread for 28ct fabric Use 2 strands of thread for 32ct fabric Backstiches: Use 1 strand of thread DMC 310 black - for eyes, eyelashes, horns, wing contour machine and spools DMC 336 Navy blue - for thread on bobbin and skein of floss DMC 356 Terra cotta md - for baby's hands DMC 646 Beaver gray dk - for white plastic of bobbin DMC 814 Garnet dk - contour of red dress 2006 Ellen Maurer-Stroh. All rights reserved.
Скачать схемы вышивки нитками / крестом  - Little stitch devil with measure tape, автор
Производитель: Ellen Maurer-Stroh
60x65 крестов
21 цветов
Este grбfico foi gerado por «myriaCross v1.07.24» Original: PCStitch® grбfico v7.00.13 Title:Little Stitch Devil with Measure Tape Author:Ellen Maurer-Stroh Copyright: 2005 Ellen Maurer-Stroh Grid Size:66 W x 71 H Cloth Count:14 Fabric:Evenweave, Aida Design Area:4,71" W x 5,07" H ( 60 x 65 stitches ) Cross Stitch: Use 3 strands of thread for 28ct fabric Use 2 strands of thread for 32ct fabric Backstiches: Use 1 strand of thread DMC 310 Black - for baby's eyes, horns, wings and tape DMC 356 Terra cotta md - for baby's hands Legend: DMC Stranded Cotton White white I310 black "349 coral - dk 356 terra cotta - md p498 christmas red - dk 535 ash gray - vy lt 646 beaver gray - dk t726 topaz -lt 727 topaz - vy lt ,741 tangerine - md A742 tangerine - lt 3078 golden yellow - vy lt ~815 garnet - md 814 garnet - dk h817 coral red - vy dk 951 tawny - lt w945 tawny - md |3064 desert sand 43771 ul vy lt terra cotta O3799 pewter gray - vy dk 3801 christmas red - lt Legend: Other Manufacturers
Скачать схемы вышивки нитками / крестом  - Little stitch devil with spools, автор
Производитель: Ellen Maurer-Stroh
69x75 крестов
36 цветов
Este grбfico foi gerado por «myriaCross v1.07.24» Original: PCStitch® grбfico v7.02.01 Cross Stitch: Use 3 strands of thread for 28ct fabric Use 2 strands of thread for 32ct fabric Backstiches: Use 1 strand of thread DMC 310 black - for eyes, eyelashes, horns and wings DMC 356 Terra cotta md - for baby's hands DMC 814 Garnet dk - contour red dress DMC 869 Hazelnut brown vy dk - contour wooden part of spools (light wood) DMC 3031 Moccha brown vy dk - contour wooden part of spools (dark wood) 2006 Ellen Maurer-Stroh. All rights reserved.
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(044) 585-11-11

(044) 585-11-10