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Скачать схеми вишивки, де є "world peace angel"

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Здається вам варто звернути увагу на ці теги:

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Завантажити схеми вишивки нитками / хрестом  - Peace cs, автор
49x59 крестов
11 цветов
DMC-Gamma 3806 - 402 3803-860 604-70,202 554-727 552-77 550-75 164-3252 702-210 700-14 745-21 3371-3219 3013-3066 3012-3067 936-3162 834-3069 977-3210 921-3205 347-62
Завантажити схеми вишивки нитками / хрестом  - The valley of peace, автор
Производитель: after Thomas Kinkade
196x154 крестов
53 цветов
Details: Fill in the areas that are coded with french knot symbols with randomly placed French Knots. The French Knot symbols on this chart are intended to indicate colors and placement only, each square does NOT always represent one French knot. In order to cover the fabric, it may be necessary to put more than one French knot in a square. You will have to pierce the fabric between holes with your needle to accomplish this. Some of your French knots may cover some of the cross stitches. This gives the design an interesting three dimensional effect. Backstitch: DMC414/Anchor400 - Stright stitch (1 pl.): defines dormer eaves and chimney corners. DMC472/Anchor278 - Stright stitch (1 pl.): accents the grass. DMC746/Anchor386 - Back stitch (1 pl.): defines house, bridge, small rocks, porch, & water ripples. DMC840/Anchor1084 - Stright stitch (1 pl.): defines thin tree branches EXCEPT very dark tree by house. DMC3031/Anchor382 - Stright stitch (1 pl.): defines very dark tree branches by house. Back stitch (1 pl.): accents tree trunks and fence posts. Defines windows, lower front eaves, animals, & any other details not specified. Blend DMC648/840 or Anchor 398/1084 (1 pl of each color): defines horizontal fence rails. Проверено и исправлено Winter /wintercharts@yahoo.com

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