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Скачать схеми вишивки, де є " дом из журнала cross stitch collection май 2009"

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Здається вам варто звернути увагу на ці теги:

Картины известных художников домики дом Другие схемы для дома дома домик фризантемы дом изображение Мона Лиза близнецы рог изобилия хризантема изба домовой майка горизонт физзи изгородь сервиз май кукольный домик майкл пауэлл Красный домик избушка
Завантажити схеми вишивки нитками / хрестом  - Little stitch devil with pincushion, автор
Производитель: Ellen Maurer-Stroh
76x74 крестов
27 цветов
Este grбfico foi gerado por «myriaCross v1.07.24» Original: PCStitch® grбfico v7.02.01 Cross Stitch: Use 3 strands of thread for 28ct fabric Use 2 strands of thread for 32ct fabric Backstiches: Use 1 strand of thread DMC 310 black - for eyes, eyelashes, horns, wing contour machine and spools DMC 356 Terra cotta md - for baby's hands DMC 414 Steel gray dk - for pins (on light background) DMC 415 Pearl gray - for pins (on dark background) DMC 814 Garnet dk - contour of red dress DMC 3799 Pewter gray vy dk - for contour pincushion bowl 2006 Ellen Maurer-Stroh. All rights reserved.
Завантажити схеми вишивки нитками / хрестом  - Little stitch devil with bobbin, автор
Производитель: Ellen Maurer-Stroh
71x63 крестов
22 цветов
Este grбfico foi gerado por «myriaCross v1.07.24» Original: PCStitch® grбfico v7.02.01 Cross Stitch: Use 3 strands of thread for 28ct fabric Use 2 strands of thread for 32ct fabric Backstiches: Use 1 strand of thread DMC 310 black - for eyes, eyelashes, horns, wing contour machine and spools DMC 336 Navy blue - for thread on bobbin and skein of floss DMC 356 Terra cotta md - for baby's hands DMC 646 Beaver gray dk - for white plastic of bobbin DMC 814 Garnet dk - contour of red dress 2006 Ellen Maurer-Stroh. All rights reserved.
Завантажити схеми вишивки нитками / хрестом  - Little stitch devils on sewing machine, автор
Производитель: Ellen Maurer-Stroh
98x87 крестов
28 цветов
Este grбfico foi gerado por «myriaCross v1.07.24» Original: PCStitch® grбfico v7.02.01 Cross Stitch: Use 3 strands of thread for 28ct fabric Use 2 strands of thread for 32ct fabric Backstiches: Use 1 strand of thread DMC 310 black - for eyes, eyelashes, horns, wing contour machine and spools DMC 356 Terra cotta md - for baby's hands DMC 814 Garnet dk - contour of red dress DMC 3820 Straw dk - for decor lines on sewing machine 2006 Ellen Maurer-Stroh. All rights reserved.
Завантажити схеми вишивки нитками / хрестом  - Little stitch devil with sewing basket, автор
Производитель: Ellen Maurer-Stroh
78x72 крестов
36 цветов
Este grбfico foi gerado por «myriaCross v1.07.24» Original: PCStitch® grбfico v7.02.01 Cross Stitch: Use 3 strands of thread for 28ct fabric Use 2 strands of thread for 32ct fabric Backstiches: Use 1 strand of thread DMC 310 black - for eyes, eyelashes, horns and wing DMC 356 Terra cotta md - for hands DMC 367 Pistachio green dk - for green floss DMC 420 Hazelnut brown dk - for contour yellow button DMC 646 Beaver gray dk - for small spools of thread DMC 814 Garnet dk - contour red dress DMC 825 Blue dk - for blue floss and blue button DMC 938 Coffee brown ul dk - for contour basket and spool DMC 3328 Salmon dk - for pink floss, pink button and pink spool DMC 3820 Straw dk - for floss labels 2006 Ellen Maurer-Stroh. All rights reserved.
Завантажити схеми вишивки нитками / хрестом  - Little stitch devil with measure tape, автор
Производитель: Ellen Maurer-Stroh
60x65 крестов
21 цветов
Este grбfico foi gerado por «myriaCross v1.07.24» Original: PCStitch® grбfico v7.00.13 Title:Little Stitch Devil with Measure Tape Author:Ellen Maurer-Stroh Copyright: 2005 Ellen Maurer-Stroh Grid Size:66 W x 71 H Cloth Count:14 Fabric:Evenweave, Aida Design Area:4,71" W x 5,07" H ( 60 x 65 stitches ) Cross Stitch: Use 3 strands of thread for 28ct fabric Use 2 strands of thread for 32ct fabric Backstiches: Use 1 strand of thread DMC 310 Black - for baby's eyes, horns, wings and tape DMC 356 Terra cotta md - for baby's hands Legend: DMC Stranded Cotton White white I310 black "349 coral - dk 356 terra cotta - md p498 christmas red - dk 535 ash gray - vy lt 646 beaver gray - dk t726 topaz -lt 727 topaz - vy lt ,741 tangerine - md A742 tangerine - lt 3078 golden yellow - vy lt ~815 garnet - md 814 garnet - dk h817 coral red - vy dk 951 tawny - lt w945 tawny - md |3064 desert sand 43771 ul vy lt terra cotta O3799 pewter gray - vy dk 3801 christmas red - lt Legend: Other Manufacturers

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