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Скачать схему вышивки нитками / крестом где есть "1133"

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Наша команда любителей рукоделия постоянно работает над наполнением портала новыми, красивыми схемами вышивки. Только на нашем сайте вы можете скачать абсолютно любую схему, которая когда-либо была доступна для скачивания.
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Скачать схемы вышивки нитками / крестом  - Pooh & friends calendar, автор
Производитель: Designer Stitches UK Limited
259x200 крестов
34 цветов
Please stitch using 2 strands, unless otherwise stated. Please stitch using single strand. 747 Ice blue 598 Teal 809 Blue Please stitch one strand of each color 973 and 947 Leaves with owl 606 and 947 Leaves with owl 900 and 947 Leaves with owl BACKSTITCHING Single Strand February Hearts- 606 Red April Rain -809 Blue (Long Stitches) November Sky - 792 Indigo Sparks of fireworks - 606 Red 973 Bright Yellow 996 Electric Blue All other backstitching - 310 Black Two Strands August Rays - 743 Yellow FRENCH KNOTS-2strands Winnie's Eyes Roo's eye and nose Kanga's eyes and nose 310 Black all of these Piglet's eyes Dot of 'I' in April May Butterflie's -606 Red July Butterflies - 973 Bright Yellow
Скачать схемы вышивки нитками / крестом  - Pooh & friends calendar, автор
Производитель: Designer Stitches UK Limited
259x200 крестов
34 цветов
Please stitch using 2 strands, unless otherwise stated. Please stitch using single strand. 747 Ice blue 598 Teal 809 Blue Please stitch one strand of each color 973 and 947 Leaves with owl 606 and 947 Leaves with owl 900 and 947 Leaves with owl BACKSTITCHING Single Strand February Hearts- 606 Red April Rain -809 Blue (Long Stitches) November Sky - 792 Indigo Sparks of fireworks - 606 Red 973 Bright Yellow 996 Electric Blue All other backstitching - 310 Black Two Strands August Rays - 743 Yellow FRENCH KNOTS-2strands Winnie's Eyes Roo's eye and nose Kanga's eyes and nose 310 Black all of these Piglet's eyes Dot of 'I' in April May Butterflie's -606 Red July Butterflies - 973 Bright Yellow

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